Week Five
A week of Bits and Pieces
After I made the illustration above I wanted to see where I could take this on a large scale in preparation of my group crit in week 6. I hoped to do a life-size painting of the scene above but due to time restraints I thought I’d make use of the uni’s facilities and made this Meat Hook - made in the metal workshop from steel by hand
Exploring display methods for installation…
Hanging the pottery head wasn’t meant to be anything meaningful but I love the distorted scale of it.
I’m interested in connecting the ‘Tender is the Flesh’ (Bazterrica, 2020) and ‘Lolita’ (Nabokov, 1997) narratives but found when explaining the project to others that the theme of veganism and the joint suffering between humans and animals exposes the meat industry came up more often than I would have liked. Although this is an interesting topic and made me realise how infamous organisation’s like PETA’s ad campaigns have been, it clouded my interpretation of the two novels I took inspiration from. I wanted to see the joint suffering between women and cattle, both bred and raised to look a certain way and if they become too old, too ill, then they are killed (physically and metaphorically), it’s a cycle of multigenerational exploitation especially in works of fiction.
Kate McLeod did the same concept comparing the struggles of women to the raising and discarding of race dogs
This chalk and acrylic rusty key study in my sketchbook is one of my favourites on the page, even my little paint palette in the corner made me think of works like ‘Painting’ by Francis Bacon (1946)
Colour studies of tiles and reflection (Oil on canvas paper)
Reference List
Bacon, F. ‘Painting’ (1946) [painting] MoMA
Bazterrica, A. (2020) Tender is the Flesh. Translated from the Spanish by S. Moses. London: Pushkin Press
Nave, R. L., ‘Inside the Abortion Clinic Battle’, Jackson Free Press (2012) Available at : https://m.jacksonfreepress.com/news/2012/aug/01/inside-abortion-clinic-battle/ (Accessed on: 31/10/2022)
McLeod, K. ‘Becoming’ (2003) [plaster sculpture]
Nabokov, V. (1997) Lolita. Harmondsworth: Penguin